Campaign for Conservative Democracy
The Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak M.P, 21st December 2023
10 Downing Street,
London SW1A 2AA
Dear Prime Minister,
Conservative Objects and Values
The Conservative Party Constitution emphasizes the objects and values of the Party:
VALUES This is the Constitution of a
political party which shall be known as “The Conservative and Unionist Party”
(referred to in this Constitution as “the Party”). . 1 Its purpose is to sustain and promote within the Nation the objects and values of the Conservative
Party. PART II MEMBERSHIP The Party is a political
Party for the Nation, open to all who share its objects and values and who
undertake to be bound by this Constitution.”
Nowhere within the Constitution does it state
what the objects and values are!
Many loyal members of our Conservative Party, and perhaps more importantly, the General Public are no longer clear exactly in what the Conservative Party believes. We feel it is imperative that our Party’s objects and values are clearly outlined so that it will help the Conservative Party win the next General Election.
It has become apparent during 2023 that many Conservative voters are staying at home and not voting. We believe that a reminder of Conservative objects and values will give our supporters good reason to turn out and vote for Conservative candidates.
The attached document has been developed with that in mind. The statement is concise and expounds what we believe is the central core of the Conservative Party It has been seen and endorsed by the Campaign for Conservative Democracy, and we hope that you will approve it and incorporate it within the Party’s Constitution. A copy is also being sent to Richard Holden MP as Chairman of the Conservative Party, John Penrose MP as Chairman of the CPF, Peter Booth, Chairman of the National Convention and Sir Graham Brady, Chairman of the 1922 Committee
We want the Conservative Party to win the next General Election. We want the Party’s message to be clear and concise and hope you will agree this document will clarify both for Party members and the general public what are the Party’s objects and values.
Yours sincerely,
Chairman of the
Campaign for Conservative Democracy
c.c. Richard Holden Esq MP; John Penrose Esq MP; Peter Booth Esq, and Sir Graham Brady MP