Friday, March 1, 2019

Letter to your Member of Parliament

A Must read- from one of your loyal but disillusioned constituents

Dear [         MP     ],

Please see below a list which compares a No Deal with the current Withdrawal Agreement.
My colleagues and a wide group of like-minded friends, on whose behalf I am writing believe this is a completely accurate analysis. We hope you will confirm by return that this is also your interpretation.
Given that:

(i)         By law we leave the EU on 29th March 2019;

(ii)        The UK Parliament gave the decision concerning the UK’s continued membership of the EU to the British people, who voted in a referendum to leave the EU;

(iii)       The UK Government committed to implement the referendum result;

(iv)       You were elected on a manifesto commitment to implement the referendum result; and

(v)      Article 50 enshrines the possibility of leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement –

We feel therefore it is your duty to honour this, such that the UK leaves the EU on 29th March 2019 with no withdrawal agreement (unless a substantially different withdrawal agreement which is beneficial to the UK is reached in the short time available between now and 29th March 2019).

Under Article 50 no withdrawal agreement is required after 29th March 2019. The UK leaves the EU automatically on 29th March 2019. At this late stage, why ratify any withdrawal agreement which contains any provision that is detrimental to the UK?

Having left the EU on 29th March 2019 with no withdrawal agreement, the UK can then decide whether to enter into free trade and other agreements on terms that are beneficial to the UK.

We are now looking forward to you confirming in writing that you will honour all the above, which we feel is your duty as our elected Parliamentary representative.

Yours sincerely,

No Deal v Withdrawal Agreement

No Deal (No Withdrawal Agreement)

- 2016 referendum result respected and implemented
- UK democracy restored
- UK sovereignty restored
- UK independence restored
- UK fishing rights restored
- UK can set own trade policy
- UK can set own immigration policy
- UK can negotiate and implement free trade agreements
- UK laws set by UK Parliament
- UK cases dealt with by UK courts
- UK Freedom
- UK can reinvigorate good relations with the Commonwealth and the wider world
- Certainty
- No more endless Brexit debates
-          Some short term confusion & and pain – medium and long term freedom
and growth on our own terms.

Current Withdrawal Agreement

- 2016 referendum result delayed, not respected, or not implemented
- EU law continues to apply
- ECJ jurisdiction continues to apply
- UK has no say in EU laws passed
- UK a ‘colony of the EU’
- Undemocratic
- ‘Divorce payment’ of £39 billion
- Payments to the EU continue
- Years of protracted negotiations with the EU
- Years of uncertainty
- UK unable to exit without EU consent
- Triple lock of transition period, backstop and ‘future partnership’ to prevent UK from
   leaving EU control
- Possible regulatory annexation of Northern Ireland
- UK locked into EU model of high regulation and slow growth
- UK locked into EU direction of travel with no say
- UK unable to enter free trade agreements with the rest of the world
- UK unable to regain own fishing rights
- UK unable to control own borders
- ‘Backstop’ or ‘no backstop’ - indefinite ‘EU colony status’ or time limited ‘EU colony status’?
-  Endless Brexit debates continue